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Do You Think Taxes Should Be Increased?

The short answer is no. I only support going to property owners if I can clearly explain the need for it and only after we have ensured that fees and other revenue sources have been exhausted.

What is Your Stance on the 2nd Amendment?

Firearms are a part of American culture and what sets us apart from almost every other nation in the world. In short, “it shall not be infringed.” I do not support any type of “Red Flag” law or any other ordinance (public or private) that prevents any law-abiding citizen from defending him- or herself. No compromise!

What is Your Stance on Abortion?

I believe it's wrong.

Do You Believe in Mask Mandates?

While that is a thing of the past, I believe it is an important lesson of extraordinary government overreach that never should have happened.  All medical decisions are between you and your doctor.

Do You Believe in Lockdowns?

What is Your Management Style?

Give qualified people an objective and then get out of their way and let them achieve that objective. In my opinion, bad managers are often insecure and feel the need to micromanage others to offset their own inabilities.

How Can a Commissioner Make Other Parts of the County Government Efficient?

Commissioners should be able to work with other elected officials to help identify and solve problems. Commissioners, like the other elected offices, should seek transparency in government so citizens can better understand the challenges their elected leaders are facing.

Why Should I Vote for Somebody Who Is Not Originally from Idaho?


I watched the community I came from change rapidly and dramatically. Vast swaths of land were converted into apartment buildings, tract housing and shopping centers. Two lane roads became four and six. Crime increased. The conservative culture diluted. And traffic became so bad that you had to plan your day around it. It became unrecognizable to me. Sadly, many of the things I saw there are now happening here.

One big advantage outside candidates have is they know what will happen next and how best to address it before it happens. People who’ve seen communities decay know how seemingly “good ideas” can lead to terrible outcomes. Not all growth is bad, but irresponsible growth can destroy the charm of any community. If you want to stop irresponsible growth, then electing people who know the game plan used in other communities will be to your advantage. That’s the kind of experience I bring as Commissioner.

How Do I Know You're Not Just Another Person Who Will Say Anything to Get Elected?

I know it is frustrating to see local candidates run under a party platform only to abandon their promises shortly after winning an election. Or to have a candidate thank members of the opposing party for winning his or her party

I would encourage every voter to speak directly with me and question why I stand on one side or the other of a particular issue. I would also encourage you to speak to those people who know me.

Do You Have Bankruptcies or Tax Liens?


Can You Work With Others Who Do Not Agree With You?

Yes. I think it’s important to be able to get along with people because if they don’t like you, they will never listen to you. If they won’t listen, then it's almost impossible for you to make the case on policy or change. We see that now with many of our local politicians. That needs to change.

What is Your Stance on Our Lakes and Waterways?

Our lakes and waterways are a valuable resource and we must do what we can to protect them. My preference is to look at lower density solutions. I've lived in some densely populated areas that caused severe water quality issues. Lake Coeur d'Alene has the additional factor of heavy metal deposits from years of mining. We should be mindful of the importance our waterways contribute toward our local economy and protect them. 

Do You Support 4H and the Fair?

Yes and yes.

What is Your Stance on Ground Water Issues?

There are residents where their wells have gone dry and water is now being trucked into homes. We must be very careful how we manage growth. We cannot allow existing residents to suffer by allowing their valuable, and sometimes scarce, water resources to be affected by growth. I believe we must give priority to existing residents and doing what's right for them now over any concerns for those who want to move here.

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